
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Community Bonds: Make Money, Save The Planet? | Full Episode
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
What to do if you’re struggling to pay off your debt. Adam Fisher from insolvency firm Harris and Partners is here to take us through the options. And, how to file a tax dispute with the CRA. Tax Lawyer Amit Ummat is here to tell us about the process. Then, retirement planning for those who are self-employed. Personal finance columnist Lesley-Anne Scorgie is here to share her tips on how to get started. Plus, we’ll speak to Tim Nash, founder of Good Investing, about community bonds and how they work.
To find out more about the guests check out:
- Tim Nash: goodinvesting.com | Responsible Investing Podcast | Twitter | LinkedIn
- Adam Fisher: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn
- Amit Ummat: ummattaxlaw.ca | Twitter
- MeVest: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
- Leslie-Anne Scorgie: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
Bruce Sellery is a personal finance expert and best-selling author. As the founder of Moolala and the CEO of Credit Canada, Bruce is on a mission to help you get a better handle on your money so you can live the life you want. High energy & low B.S., this is Moolala: Money Made Simple.
Find Bruce Sellery at Moolala.ca | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Applying For a Mortgage When You Are Self-Employed
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
The process of applying for a mortgage can be stressful but can be a bit more for those that are self-employed. Colin Graves, managing director of Retire Happy, joins us to take us through the process and how to qualify for a mortgage when you work for yourself.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
The Stress of Credit Card Debt
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Having credit card debt can be stressful for anyone. But what happens if you don’t pay off your credit card. Doris Asiedu, a counselor with Credit Canada takes us through some of the consequences and what you can do about it.
Find out more at creditcanada.com and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and check out their YouTube channel.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Overcoming The Math With Your Finances
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
The are many approaches when it comes to overcoming the math problem when it comes to your finances. One approach is to take math to TikTok and teach people there. Canada’s Drag Race alum Kyne Santos uses TikTok to teach her 1.4 million followers to make math less of a drag.
Learn from Kyne on TikTok and connect on Instagram and Twitter.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
What happens If You Can’t Pay Off Your Credit Card | Full Episode
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Navigating credit card debt. Doris Asiedu from Credit Canada tells us what happens if you don’t pay off your credit card. And, qualifying for a mortgage when you’re self-employed. Colin Graves, managing editor of Retire Happy, takes us through some considerations. Then, Money is part IQ and part EQ, says author Ken Honda. He joins us to talk about his book
Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace With Your Money. Plus, we’ll speak with Kyne Santos, Canada Drag Race alum, about why she is teaching her 1.4 million TikTok followers about math.
To find out more about the guests check out:
- Kyne Santos: TikTok | Instagram | Twitter
- Doris Asiedu: com | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube
- Colin Graves: Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn
Bruce Sellery is a personal finance expert and best-selling author. As the founder of Moolala and the CEO of Credit Canada, Bruce is on a mission to help you get a better handle on your money so you can live the life you want. High energy & low B.S., this is Moolala: Money Made Simple.
Find Bruce Sellery at Moolala.ca | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Maximizing Your Inheritance
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
When it comes to estate planning and money you might be losing opportunities to maximize inheritance for your loved ones without even knowing it. We have Selene Soo, director of Wealth Products for RBC Insurance, join us to take us through some solutions and how to reduce fees.
Find out more at rbcinsurance.com and connect on Facebook.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Working On Your Finances From What Your Learn
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
We are joined by Erin Lowry, creator of the Broke Millennial Series, to take us through the workbook that she has put together so you can put things into practice.
Find out more at erinlowry.com and brokemillennial.com. Connect on Twitter, Instagram and Substack.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
The Money Challenges In Times of Unemployment
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
There is an immediate challenge of paying expenses when you get laid off. We are joined by Randolph Taylor, a certified counselor at Credit Canada, to share with us the best way to navigate money when you are unemployed.
Find out more at creditcanada.com and connect on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Trading Investments The Risk-Free Way
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Learning about trading investments the risk-free way. Horizons ETFs in partnership with National Bank hosts a 6-week long trading simulation every year called The Biggest Winner. Mark Noble, vice-president of ETF Strategy joins us to tell us how the contest works and what participants can learn from it.
Find out more at horizonseft.com and connect on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Navigating Your Finances During Unemployment | Full Episode
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Navigating your finances through unemployment. Credit Canada Counsellor Randolph Taylor shares his tips for handling your money during this stressful time. And, a contest to help you learn about investing, but without all the risk. Mark Noble from Horizons ETFs tells us about The Biggest Winner trading simulation, in partnership with National Bank. Then, how to safeguard your inheritance for your loved ones. Selene Soo from RBC Insurance shares her insight. Plus, we’ll speak Erin Lowry, author of the Broke Millennial series, about the Broke Millennial Workbook: Take Control and Get Your Financial Life Together.
To find out more about the guests check out:
- Mark Noble: com | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
- Randolph Taylor: com | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram
- Erin Lowry: com | brokemillennial.com | Twitter | Instagram | Substack
- Selene Soo: com | Facebook
Bruce Sellery is a personal finance expert and best-selling author. As the founder of Moolala and the CEO of Credit Canada, Bruce is on a mission to help you get a better handle on your money so you can live the life you want. High energy & low B.S., this is Moolala: Money Made Simple.
Find Bruce Sellery at Moolala.ca | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn